About Us
Bringing Stories to Life, Connecting Cultures, Inspiring Young Minds

Our Story
After moving to Charlotte in 2018, Ms. Jenny Zhan, a first-generation immigrant and mother of three, searched for a place where her kids could enjoy Chinese stories and songs but found few options. Determined to create such a space for her children and others, she held the first public storytime at her neighborhood park on April 23rd, 2019.
What began as a small gathering has grown into a cherished community program. On January 3rd, 2025, Charlotte Chinese Story Time officially became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Today, we host monthly storytime sessions at one of Mecklenburg’s largest public libraries, with more volunteers joining as storytellers and organizers.
Our mission is to:
Cultivate cultural awareness
Foster children’s language development
Promote early literacy
We are dedicated to bringing families together through the joy of Chinese stories, songs, and cultural activities, while fostering a strong sense of community and cultural appreciation.
自2018年搬到夏洛特后,Jenny 一直希望为孩子们找到一个可以聆听中文故事、欢唱中文儿歌的地方,但遗憾的是,这样的机会非常有限。与其等待,她决定主动创造机会。2019年4月23日,她在社区公园的草地上举办了第一次公开中文故事会,不仅是为了自己的孩子,也为了更多热爱中文和中华文化的家庭。
从最初的小型聚会开始,中文故事会逐渐发展壮大,成为孩子们翘首以盼、家长们喜爱的公共图书馆品牌活动。更令人欣喜的是,来自不同背景的华人也纷纷加入,成为故事讲述者和活动组织者,其中既有新手妈妈,也有本地的ABC(American-Born Chinese)学生,共同为传播中华文化贡献力量。
在大家的共同努力下,夏洛特中文故事会于2025年1月3日正式成为501(c)(3) 注册非营利组织,标志着我们进入了一个新的发展阶段。